I just love these photos from Your Willing Skin on Etsy. I really wish I knew how to take photos like these. But alas, I'll just have to be content with ogling them.
They just capture the golden light so beautifully. The photographer, Eadaoin, also has a lovely blog called City of Blackbirds, with many more gorgeous photos that you can see here.
I love beautiful and practical things and love working with my hands. Right now, that is coming together with crochet scarves, baby blankets, bags, purses, and gadget cases. I recently opened an Etsy shop at http://DonidoDesigns.Etsy.com to sell some of my work. I also have a blog, and can be contacted either through my Etsy shop or email: DonidoDesigns at gmail.com
lila thank you so much, you're so very kind :)